You all know the religion Buddhism was founded in India but they declined in India.There are a few reasons researchers put forward. One of them is the lack of missionaries and their spirit. When you think about how Christianity spread in the whole world and still alive in the world, the reason is our missionaries and lay people who took Jesus words so close to their heart, went around and spread the good news.
And we are here today, in part, because of them—and because of the men who responded. We’re here because fishermen mending their nets listened. Because they dropped everything. And they followed.
In time, what they did, the choice they made, transformed the world.
Two thousand years later, that invitation is still out there. Christ still calls. To every one of us. The words of this gospel are being repeated again and again this evening in churches around the world. Jesus comes to us where we are—whether it’s on the banks of a lake, or an office in Louisville or a kitchen in Poplar Level Road or house in New Burg Road. He comes to us and offers that invitation.
Come after me. I will help you do things you never imagined.
This call Jesus gives 'come and follow me' is individual, very personal. The fisher men answered right in time. Didn't say, let me retire then I will follow, let me get rich and settle myself and I will follow you, let me get marry and have children and then I follow you. They flowed him as they heard the voice of Jesus.
We need to appreciate our own call to be Christ’s disciples. The mission of preaching, teaching and healing which Jesus began in Galilee is now the responsibility of the Church
Whether we are married, single or religious we are all called to respond to Jesus and preach his words. Dear brothers and sisters, we are reminded of this today about our call to proclaim Jesus to the people. we are called to announce the good news to everyone, but not everyone will listen. Once we’ve done our work, we should move on and not obsess about those who won’t listen. Why do some respond and some don’t? We don’t know, but that’s ultimately up to God. Today we are reminded our duty as Christians is to flow him and to make Jesus as our priority.
Look at the first disciples in the Gospel, They for their part, might have preferred to keep their jobs, to remain with their families, to stay with the life that they knew. When they see Jesus and hear his words to them, they make a different choice, however; they take a risk, step out in faith, leave behind that which is comfortable and secure.
Remember your baptism a candle was given to you or parents and told keep this candle burn brightly. You are here today because you are still keeping that light, may be few of them are flickering. We are today reminded what it means to be Christian. Today we are asked to reflect how I am responding to Jesus call in my everyday life?
There was a broken statue of jests under the statue someone wrote, Jesus has no hands but yours. Yes, he needs us to proclaim his words and preach his message.
I recommend few simple practical things to help us to keep Jesus calling going on.
1. Saying grace in private and in public. It will remind you and other people around to remember God before the meal.
2. Wearing a cross under your shirt; wearing a rosary. People notice it am may say “I didn’t know you were Catholic,” or “What’s the deal with that medal you’re wearing?”
3.Saying a rosary when you travel.
4. Saying God bless you when someone sneezes.
Matthew tells us that the people to whom Jesus brought his ministry had been sitting in darkness, but that Jesus' coming had brought them a great Light.
As we continue with the celebration of the Holy Mass, let us ask the Lord Jesus to give us the strength and perseverance to answer His calling so that we may faithfully serve the Lord according to His will.
Fr. John Pozhathuparambil
Fr. John Pozhathuparambil
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