Jesus said to his disciples:
“Whoever loves me will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our dwelling with him".
Today's gospel is written in the background of Jesus' departure. Jesus knows that his departure will create pain in the hearts of the disciples. Therefore, he assures disciples that he is not abandoning them and promises his continuous presence will be among them through word of God, Holy Spirit and his peace. These words of Jesus are so comforting to disciples and to us that he is present among us. He is alive and live with us!
There is a Sufi saying, If you step once in to God, God will step thrice in to you. According to eastern thought three is a full number. Therefore, it means if you make your first step in to God, God will come in abundance.
Jesus says in today's gospel, that if we keep his words, he will come and live with us. Jesus is talking about the simple first step that we should take in our lives. The simple first step is to love Jesus, and invite him in to our lives. If you want to love him spend a little time each day in personal prayer, scripture reading and reflection.
Today approximately 25% of all adults live alone, they feel abandoned, belong to nowhere. Spouses, parents and children often live as virtual strangers to one another. This is unfortunate because we never need to be alone. Jesus promises us he can always be present to us. He can give is peace, he can make our burden light and He can turn our grief into joy. In order this is to happen, just make your first step, start loving him and make a personal relationship with him.
You all might have seen the painting the light of the world by William Hunt Holman. It's picture of Jesus knocking at the door, if you carefully observe, the door has no handle which Hunt purposefully did. He wanted show us that if Jesus wants to come to us we have to open our doors of our lives, our hearts.
I know the first step is a struggle. I asked one of my friends to go for a renewal retreat, he said, I can't because I will be transformed. He knows once he transformed, he has to accept new ways in his life. So he wants to be just as he is now.
We fear to give up our sins and pleasures because it is a challenge.
In this process of opening our hearts to love Jesus, Jesus promises he Is not only the one who is going to help us, we are going to get an advocate who will teach us and remind us of Jesus teaching. Therefore, the role of the Holy Spirit is two fold a) to teach " b)to “remind" us of what Jesus has taught us.
Pope Francis says, God has left the guidance of the Church "in the hands of the Holy Spirit." "The Holy Spirit as Jesus said, will teach us everything" and "remind us what Jesus taught us"
"The Holy Spirit is the living presence of God in the Church. He keeps the Church going, keeps the Church moving forward. More and more, beyond the limits, onwards. The Holy Spirit with His gifts guides the Church. You cannot understand the Church of Jesus without this Paraclete, whom the Lord sends us for this very reason.
When Jesus lives with you another beautiful thing happens in our lives, he brings peace in to our lives. "Peace" is not just the absence of conflict or the peace world gives you, it is the concept of shalom, the total well-being of the person and community. “In Johannine language, peace, truth, light, life and joy are figurative terms reflecting different facets of the great gift that Jesus has brought from God to the world. 'Peace is my gift to you,' is another way of saying, 'I give them eternal life' (Jn 10:28) (Raymond E. Brown)
Dear brothers and sisters this is the opportunity Jesus promises us. Everything begins in loving him. Depends on our first step.
We have cows in India and we tie them up on a pole to feed them grass. They can eat only the grass around. We are like cows tied on a rope eating grass from a circle. Let us break our bondage of sins, pleasures and enjoy the great opportunity ahead of us. Let us take first step, open the door snd let Christ live with us and let us enjoy peace.
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