Sunday, June 18, 2017

June 18- Corpus Christi

Happy Father’s day!
I was reading an article about family life. The article speaks about three tables in family life. The first table is the Altar where we celebrate Eucharist as divine family, second table is dining table where the whole family shares their life as human family and third one is bed where husband and wife share their love. The article concludes with a recommendation that we must approach these three tables with respect and due importance. Do not clutter your dining table, make it clean. If you are not faithful to your spouse stop it.
 Today we are celebrating the first table where we receive life from Jesus in the form precious body and blood. Church calls it feast of Corpus Christy.
In the book of Genesis, we read our problems started with a bad meal of our first parents. By eating a fruit from a forbidden tree, they lost paradise, they became sick, they lost relationship with God.  When Jesus came to the world, he regained it, he reestablished a meal. Jesus took bread, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, "Take and eat; this is my body." Then he took a cup, he gave it to them, saying, "Drink from it, all of you. And this meal give us life, life in abundance, and a close relationship with God. 
If you have read any stories of pilgrims and pilgrimages, we know that they carry with them a bag of food for their Journey. In Sanskrit, it’s called padheyam- food for feet. As Catholics, we believe we are pilgrims on earth until we reach our destiny. During this pilgrimage, we need spiritual nourishment. And it is the Eucharist, the body and blood of Christ that gives us strength and life. When we are in sickness, sadness we know that Eucharist is the place to go for comfort and care. Today we must thank God for this wonderful meal that God is preparing for us on this altar. There is Spanish saying, ‘bread and wine will take you to your destiny’. Yes, this precious body and blood of Jesus will take us to the destiny. Jesus says in today’s gospel "I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world." Dear brothers and sisters when we are spiritually down, when we are spiritually sick, remember God has given us this great healing medicine- Eucharist.
A young student asked a priest: "Why are you a Catholic?"
The priest answered: "Because of the Resurrection." The student pressed the question: "That explains why you are a Christian, but why are you a Catholic?" 
"Because of the Eucharist," he replied. Yes, EUCHARIST makes us different from other Christians, we believe in the Eucharist, the real presence of Jesus in the wine and bread priest consecrate.
During the Eucharist a big miracle happens. Theologians call it as transubstantiation. Which means the conversion of the substance of the Eucharistic elements into the body and blood of Christ at consecration. We have crucifix in the church, when we look at the crucifix we see the image of Jesus but his presence may not be there. If we look at the bread that priest consecrate we may not see the image of Jesus but he is really present in the bread. That’s why we always light a lamp near the tabernacle and we receive the Eucharist with due preparation and reconciliation. Pope John Paul second who was so much devoted to Eucharist said, “in the Sacrament of the Eucharist the Saviour, who took flesh in Mary’s womb twenty centuries ago, continues to offer himself to humanity as the source of divine life". Jesus lives among us in the form of precious body and blood.
This feast, feast of precious body and blood must be celebrated in our lives. How? In the old testament sacrifice they offered first fruits, it can be grain, fruits, lamb.. When we see the sacrifice in the new testament we see Jesus offering himself on the cross. Here the offer and the offered is the same person.  What does it mean? It means we cannot separate our lives from the Eucharist. We have to be offer and offering.
 Eucharist become meaningful when we offer ourselves to others, to our children, parents, spouse and those who need us.  Life with Eucharist is personal. Eucharist never ends here in the church; Jesus wants to take him to others. A priest said Eucharist become like an ornament, we wear it on Sunday and remove it for the rest of the week. This cannot be that way. Our communion must transform in to love, if not the celebration of Eucharist is useless. Remember the first thing Mary did after consuming Jesus, she went and helped her cousin Elizabeth. That’s the best example what we should do after communion.  Mother Tereasa of Calcutta and her sisters daily spend one hour in front of the Eucharist before they went to the street to help people. As a conclusion of my homily, I leave to questions to reflect: how much I love the Eucharist? Am I turning receiving Jesus’ body and blood in to love?

Fr. John Pozhathuparambil OFMConv.

June 11 Pentecost


It’s a joyful day in the church because on this day of Pentecost, we commemorate the birth of the Church. This Celebration of Pentecost brings us to the joyful conclusion of the Easter season. 
Today’s scripture tells us what had happened on the day of day of Pentecost. The Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles and the Blessed Virgin Mary as flaming tongues. The frightened apostles were transformed into flaming preachers and were given the gift of tongues by a special anointing of the Holy Spirit. The listeners experienced a fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit through the apostles’ gift of tongues and some speaking in their native languages. And the early Christians became powerful witnesses and brave martyrs for their Faith in Jesus.
Holy Spirit has given ten gifts in our life. Everyday the Holy Spirit enlightens us with these special gifts. Those ten gifts are the three gifts that we received at our Baptism, namely faith, hope and charity and the seven gifts we received at our Confirmation namely wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety and fear of the Lord.
We need to remember again those ten gifts on this feast day. The gift of faith allows us to see the invisible in the visible world.  Hope gives us the ability to trust in God who is our Father.  Charity provides us with the grace that we need to love God and to love our neighbor.
Wisdom detaches us from the things of this world and causes us to desire only the things of Heaven.  The gift of understanding helps us to penetrate the truths of our Catholic Faith.  Counsel enables us to see and choose correctly those actions that will help us give glory to God and ensure our own eternal salvation. Fortitude gives us the strength to overcome those obstacles our life on. The gift of knowledge shows us the path to follow and alerts us to the dangers that we must avoid in order to attain eternal life in Heaven. 
Piety enlightens us with a tender and filial confidence in God and allows us to joyfully embrace our discipleship with Christ. Finally, the gift of fear of the Lord fills us with a deep respect for God and makes us fear anything that may offend him.
What is the role of the Holy Spirit in our Christian life:  As an indwelling God, He makes us His Living Temples. As a strengthening God, He strengthens us in our fight against temptations.  As a sanctifying God, He makes us holy through the Sacraments:  He makes us children of God and heirs of Heaven through Baptism. He makes us temples of God, warriors and defenders of the Faith, through Confirmation. c) He enables us to be reconciled with God by pardoning our sins through the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  He gives us spiritual nourishment through the Holy Eucharist. As a teaching God, He clarifies and constantly reminds us of Christ’s teachings. As a listening and talking God, He listens to our prayers and enables us to pray. 
 Dear brothers and sisters, on this Pentecost we need to open our hearts to the action of the Holy Spirit in our lives. How this can happen in our life? We need to permit the Holy Spirit to take control of our lives by constantly remembering His holy presence and by praying for His daily anointing so that we may fight against our temptations and addictions. We need to ask the help of the Holy Spirit to do good for others and to be reconciled with God and others every day. In this Eucharistic celebration we shall pray to the Holy Spirit to abide so powerfully in our hearts that our souls so that we would wake up to his presence.